Minggu, 20 Juli 2008

Lagu Baru

Just so long ago
I think
That true friends never exist
And there you are, you prove me wrong

Till the night is here
We sing
The same and sad old song
We cry our heart and dry our tears

Lets break our rules tonight
And face the challenge of our life and now
I'll know
Your beat give me the strength

Reff :
To carry on and beat the world
We'll sing our song till we break our bones
I write the song you beat the drum
And then well smile, for the future

Brought me to my dream, tonite
We bound the beat with stars
The angels sings to clean our sins

Lies and truth ere fold, for us
As time goes around us
We keep our pace and listen to the words

Lets break our rules tonight
And face the challenge of our life and now
I'll know
Your beat give me the strength

Reff :
To carry on and beat the world
We'll sing our song till we break our bones
I write the song you beat the drum
And then well smile, for the future

And now you're gone, I'm left alone
This tears wont stop to fall
I stand upon your final rest
Your memories will live

Reff :
To carry on and beat the world
I'll sing our song till I break my bones
I write the song you beat the drum
And then well smile, for the future

Just so long ago
I think
That true friends never exist
And there you are, you prove me wrong...

The newest song from NARC.
Ciptaan sang leader sekaligus gitaris, Byu.
(Eh gw jg nyumbang lho buat nadanya)
Ni lagu bercerita tentang seorang sahabat (yang dulunya seorang drummer) yang udah meninggal.
Kenangan tersebut dituliskan lewat lagu ini.
Lagu ini tercipta hari jumat(18) dan sabtu(19) kmaren dan langsung dimaenin sabtu malemnya.
Gw seneng banget nyanyiin lagu ini, beatnya cepet n pas banget ama vokal gw.
Tapi sayangnya ada masalah.

Sayangnya kita belom nemu judul yang cocok.
Enaknya apa ya?
Ada saran?

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Our Song???

@arta89 mengatakan...

Yak gw udah nemu judul buat lagu ni,,

"Beat The World"

Thx wat yang dah ngasi saran atopun yang cuma mikirin duank,,